Building great people, because great people build great families and great families build great communities.
To God be the glory!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Part III "How To Make Up Your Mind"

Are you the kind of person who stands in line at a fast-food outlet, trying to decide what to order while behind you a long line of people wait impatiently? Do you find it hard to make decisions? If so, this message is for you.
We’re constantly faced with the need to make good choices. But how do we do that? Some people seem to have a gift for making the right decision. Most of us act on what we call our “gut instinct,” and hope for the best.

"We make our decisions and then our decisions make us"

What is the secret of business success? Wise decisions.
How can I learn to make wise decisions? Experience.
How do you get experience? Dumb decisions!

THE PROBLEM: INDECISION v8 A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. In Greek, the word "double-minded" literally means "two-souled"- pulled apart in different directions, divided loyalties, divided priorities.

Double-mindedness is translated "confused" in many parts of the Bible. James says, “If you can't make up your mind it produces an unstable lifestyle.. Leading to constant turmoil.

Three ways indecision makes you unstable:

Unstable emotions. You worry and strain, you're confused. You can't sleep or eat… what to do? And when you do finally decide… you lay awake wondering if you did the right thing?"

You go to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist asks, "Are you indecisive?" You say, "I used to be, but now I'm not sure."

Unstable relationships. Indecisiveness can wear on your spouse or your children. How frustrating to be around someone who simply can’t make up his or her mind!
Sometimes it takes more energy to decide than it does to do.

Unstable spiritual life. v7 That man should not think that he'll receive anything from the Lord Being of two minds blocks your prayers. It keeps God from giving and you from receiving.

Some ask, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?" Maybe you're not specific enough. Maybe you've never decided what it is you really want. Perhaps you don't have a clear-cut goal.

Pilgrim's Progress talks about a man named Mr. Facing-Both-Ways. What's the solution? James says, Get wisdom.
If any of you lack wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him.

James gives 3 practical steps. Admit, Ask, Anticipate.

Admit your need. v 5 If any of you lacks wisdom..
Wisdom is different from knowledge. Wisdom is knowledge put into practice. Wisdom is seeing life from God's point of view.

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes then comes disgrace. But with humility comes wisdom.

Pride blocks wisdom. You can't learn anything if you think you know it all. The key to wisdom is to admit that you don't know what do. Admit that you don't have all the answers. Admit your need

Ask for wisdom. If any man lack wisdom he should ask God How do you get wisdom? The Bible says by asking God. Proverbs 2:6 It is the Lord who gives wisdom.. So go ahead ask God for wisdom. James 4:2 You have not because you ask not. Could it be that simple?

20 times in the NT it says, Ask, and it shall be given.
Literally..."keep on asking, be persistent, continual"

As your pastor, I wouldn't dare to lead our church without continually asking God for wisdom. I pray this prayer almost every day sometimes it feels like its 100 times a day.

In our new work especially, my spiritual responsibility as the Shepherd is to discover what God wants to do in this His body.

Anticipate it. Expect an answer in faith. if any of you lacks wisdom he should ask of God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him. But when he asks he must believe and not doubt. Circle "not doubt".

First - ask the right person. Second - ask the right way
(in faith, believing, not doubting)

The reason you don't have wisdom is because you're looking at the problem and not the Lord. A lot of Christians are victims of their circumstance.

THE PROMISE: GOD WILL GIVE IT! If any man lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Look how James says God will give you wisdom:

Continually: In the Greek God who gives.. is in the continuous tense. He keeps on giving.

Generously: His resources are unlimited. He has enough resources for everybody. He's got plenty.

Without finding fault: God gives cheerfully. God is pleased when you ask. Have you ever received a gift from someone you knew was giving it to you grudgingly?

God will not make the decisions for you, but He will give you His wisdom to make the decision.
2. God's wisdom is found in God's word. I need to read, study, memorize, meditate on this book. Psalm 119:105 God's word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

God’s Word like our life is filled with choices. Joshua said to the Israelites: Choose for yourselves whom you will serve.... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15 Choose whom to serve! The most crucial choice of all.
The greatest single decision you can make is to commit your life to Jesus Christ. I Kings 18:21 says, How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him.

Stability comes from knowing God’s Word. The more you base your life on His Word, the more stable you’re going to become.

1. Ask God for wisdom
2. Believe God has a solution
3. Don’t second guess yourself.
4. Focus on the facts and not your feelings
5. Base your life on the principles of God’s Word
It’s true, making good decisions isn’t easy. But it is possible.

God promises to grant you the wisdom to do so. With your hand in His, you can make decisions for this life and for the life to come. No more second guessing!


Becky Wolfe said...

Well, I had no second thoughts about what to eat for lunch yesterday but it isn't always so with everything in life. And I am reaffirmed to be ASKING for the things I seek of God instead of waiting around for them to happen all on their own!

The sometimes Irreverant Ed Brouwer said...

I agree.... I too am reaffirming my commitment to seek God's advice more often. I have been enjoying our services, and have personally grown in my understanding regarding a Christianity that works. I was real happy to hear L's testimony yesterday. You both have a come a long way in God...;|)

Jude and I are praying for you guys..all three of you.