Building great people, because great people build great families and great families build great communities.
To God be the glory!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

From The Back Pew VII

We are face to face with an awful indifference to religion. That is due to the passionless condition of the Christian Church, and that in turn is due to the utter uncertainty of Christian people about the authority of the Book of God.

Suffer a word of personal conviction. Where is the remedy? It is not by the defense of the Word of God, but by its study and by our own return to it until it so consumes us that we shall be able to say, ‘O Lord, how I love thy law: it is my meditation day and night.’

I have no panic in my heart as to its ultimate victory, my panic at the moment, if there is one there, is for the men and women who are neglecting it. My appeal is for a new devotion to it, a new answer to it. When our own people, of whatever section of the great Church of Christ, turn from books concerning it to the Book itself, to know it, to understand it, to live in the power of it, then you will have generated within their hearts the passion which it teaches, and for ever more makes possible to send the same message on to those in darkness.

A quote from Campbell Morgan

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