Building great people, because great people build great families and great families build great communities.
To God be the glory!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

From The Back Pew II

Communion, for the Christian is typically thought of as taking the cup of wine and bread representing the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. This service is traditionaly held on the first Sunday of the month. However, just partaking of the emblems isn’t enough. The blood and bread must be accompanied by fire. We have fundamentalism and facts; we have activity and earnestness and sincerity; we even have blood-washed and blood-nourished Christians, well-taught in the Word, WHO STILL LACK FIRE.

Some are prejudiced against it, identifying any definite experience of the Spirit with fanaticism. Some see nothing but a gradual growth in grace. Some mistake the indwelling of the Spirit for the infilling. Some have "received" with a cheap and easy "believism" who somehow did not receive after all. For many reasons the church is largely behind closed doors as before Pentecost, and believers try to stir up a fire from their own sparks instead of being set on fire of God. As a pastor I would rather deal with wildfire than no fire.

Please join us at 10:30 Sunday mornings for a relevant time of Family Worship
The Gathering Place, not your typical church.
We are located at 42 Finch Crescent, (next to McDonalds).

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